We asked the educators and students from Danny’s Place in Acton, MA to share their feedback about their ThinkGive experience. Here is what they had to say.
Educator: Renn Duffey
Grades: 5-6
Started partnering with ThinkGive: 2021
Was ThinkGive a good use of your teaching time? We absolutely LOVED the program! Our kids were so engaged and kind to one another, and we can’t wait for our next program cycle.
How did ThinkGive have an impact on your students? Our kids supported each other, found kind moments in their lives, and developed a better ability to communicate their gratitude for the world around them.
What’s a highlight from your experience with ThinkGive? I think one of the clearest examples of how ThinkGive impacted our students was when we did our appreciation rainbows! Each student chose a different person in the group to come up with different words they thought described that person. The words were things like “kind,” “likable,” “generous,” “funny,” and my favorite of all, “loving.” It was so exciting to see our students recognize such amazing qualities in each other, and be brave enough to mention them.
Why would you recommend ThinkGive? ThinkGive perfectly embodies the morals and aspects we hope to grow in all of our organization’s participants, and it manages to do that in just a few lesson plans! I can’t recommend this program enough!
And the students had some wonderful things to say about the program:
“Thinkgive is amazing and makes me feel better.”
“ThinkGive is a really great thing for young kids!”
“I am kinder and more social and kinder to myself. I am also kinder to other people.”